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    Learn Spanish > Spanish lessons and exercises > Spanish test #6359
    > Other Spanish exercises on the same topics: Speaking | Bilingual dialogues [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Bilingual dialogue : A formal conversation - Bilingual dialogue : What about going to the cinema - Bilingual dialogue : Where is the underground? - Dialogue : Llegando al hotel - Bilingual dialogue : What do you think about...? - Bilingual dialogue : Before going to bed - Dialogue : Vámonos de compras - Comprando zapatos
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    Dialogue : un nuevo profesor - Spanish lesson

    Find the word with a mistake and write it correctly.

    Encuentre la palabra escrita con una falta y escriba - correctamente.

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    Spanish exercise "Dialogue : un nuevo profesor" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    To insert special letters:

    1. Pedro hola ¿ has visto a nuestro nuevo proffesor de inglés?

    2. Hola María, sí, me lo encontré en la salla de profesores

    3. Parece muy simpatico¿verdad?

    4. !! me da esa imprecion.

    5. ¿Te sabe la lección ?

    6. ¡ No ! olvidé mi livro,

    7. espero que no me pregunta

    8. ¡ así lo espero por ti

    End of the free exercise to learn Spanish: Dialogue : un nuevo profesor
    A free Spanish exercise to learn Spanish.
    Other Spanish exercises on the same topics : Speaking | Bilingual dialogues | All our lessons and exercises