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    Learn Spanish > Spanish lessons and exercises > Spanish test #5333
    > Other Spanish exercises on the same topic: Present [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Present : irrégular verbs in -ar with (ie) - Present -ir (e-->i) - Indicative Present : Bengal cat - Present: -er with (ue) - Present tense (diphthong verbs) - Present : What about a coffee? - Present: Verbs like perder (e =>ie) - Present: -Er
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    Present: regular verbs


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    Spanish exercise "Present: regular verbs" created by claire1 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from claire1]
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    1. hablo..je parle

    2. ellos ils peignent

    3. Tú ...tu regardes

    4. ella elle écrit

    5. nosotros nous sommes

    6. cena il dîne

    7. tomas...tu prends

    8. vosotras vous lavez

    9. llego j'arrive

    10. tú tu bois

    11. nosotros nous mangeons

    12. yo j'habite

    13. ella elle parle

    14. tú tu regardes

    15. ellos ils travaillent

    16. nosotras nous expliquons

    17. él il attend

    18. respondéis vous répondez

    19. yo j'observe

    20. yo je lis

    End of the free exercise to learn Spanish: Present: regular verbs
    A free Spanish exercise to learn Spanish.
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