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    Learn Spanish > Spanish lessons and exercises > Spanish test #40460

    > Other Spanish exercises on the same topic: Pronouns [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Pronouns - LO / LA / LE - LOS VERBOS REFLEXIVOS - Object pronouns - Infinitive with double enclisis - Pronombres personales átonos - Possessive pronouns - Personal pronouns
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    Personal pronouns (subject) - Spanish lesson


     Personal pronouns (subject) :


       singular   plural

       yo, je   nosotros(-as) , nous

       , tu   vosotros (-as) , vous

            masculine :               él, il   ellos, ils

            feminine :                 ella, elle   ellas, elles

            neutral:                      ello, cela

    addressing someone using the ‘vous’ form : 

              usted                                     ustedes  






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    Spanish exercise "Personal pronouns (subject)" created by hidalgo with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from hidalgo]
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    1. Señor, tiene razón.

    2. No, no lo he dicho .

    3. Siempre eran quienes ganaban.

    4. Nunca lo pagaremos

    5. ¿Fuiste quien sacaste la mejor nota?

    6. , los dos chicos del fondo, ¡callaos!

    7. No, no se lo dije

    8. Niñas, ¿queréis algo ?

    9. Brilla el sol; no impide el frío.

    10. ¿Eres tú, Antonio? - Sí, soy

    End of the free exercise to learn Spanish: Personal pronouns (subject)
    A free Spanish exercise to learn Spanish.
    Other Spanish exercises on the same topic : Pronouns | All our lessons and exercises