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    Learn Spanish > Spanish lessons and exercises > Spanish test #21199

    > Other Spanish exercises on the same topic: Imperative [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Imperative: recipe - Imperative (positive and negative forms) - Imperative (Affirmative and negative commands) - Being a public speaker. - Impérative - Imperative - Imperative - Imperative: -ar
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        Sala de embarque

    In this test, all the verbs in brackets must be conjugated in the formal USTEDES form (third-person plural/imperative ), except in the question Nr. 8 which begins by NO (see below)**

    **It is important to note that verb forms for the negative imperative are different from the imperative.

    To make the imperative negative form in Spanish, we use no + the present subjunctive form of the verb.

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    Spanish exercise "Imperative" created by hidalgo with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from hidalgo]
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    To insert special letters:

    1. (procurar) llegar al aeropuerto con bastante anticipación.

    2. (mirar) en la reservación en qué terminal se ubica su aerolínea.

    3. (ir) a facturar el equipaje en cuanto se lo indiquen.

    4. (facturar) incluso las bolsas de viaje si abultan demasiado.

    5. (registrar) los billetes.

    6. (asegurarse) de que no hay ningún error en el destino final.

    7. (refrescarse) un poco para aguantar mejor el viaje.

    8. No (entretenerse) demasiado en las tiendas.

    9. (escuchar) atentamente los avisos de los altavoces.

    10. (dirigirse) a la sala de embarque cuando se lo anuncien.

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