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    Learn Spanish > Spanish lessons and exercises > Spanish test #10746
    > Other Spanish exercises on the same topic: Plural [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Singular <-> Plural - Plural - Plural - Plural - Turn into the plural - Plural - Plural of words - Plural
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    Plural: '-en' / '-én'

    Elegid el plural correcto :

    Recuerda,cada regla tiene una excepción...


    el origen...........> los orígenes
    el andén............> los andenes

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    Spanish exercise "Plural: '-en' / '-én'" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Examen

    2. Volumen

    3. Régimen

    4. Crimen

    5. Andén

    6. Sartén

    7. Imagen

    8. Resumen

    9. Origen

    10. Orden

    End of the free exercise to learn Spanish: Plural: '-en' / '-én'
    A free Spanish exercise to learn Spanish.
    Other Spanish exercises on the same topic : Plural | All our lessons and exercises