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    Learn Spanish > Spanish lessons and exercises > Spanish test #4118

    > Other Spanish exercises on the same topic: Demonstrative pronouns [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Demonstrative adjectives - Demonstrative pronouns - Demonstrative adjectives - Demonstrative adjectives - Demonstrative adjectives - Démonstrative adjectives - Demonstrative adjectives - Demonstrative adjectives
    > Double-click on words you don't understand


    CE ,CET adjectif démonstratif  masculin singulier se traduit par ESTE

    CETTE  adjectif démonstratif féminin singulier se traduit par ESTA

    CES masculin pluriel se traduit par ESTOS

    CES  féminin pluriel se traduit par ESTAS



    Cette fille est anglaise.....Esta chica es inglesa----

    le pluriel ----Estas chicas son inglesas

    à vous maintenant .......su turno ,por favor......

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    Spanish exercise "Ce,Cette,Cet,Ces........" created by claire1 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from claire1]
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    To insert special letters:

    1. Este amigo es español. =»

    2. Este libro es bueno. =»

    3. Esta película no es inglesa. =»

    4. Esta clase es pequeña. =»

    5. Este coche es caro. =»

    6. Esta casa no es antigua. =»

    7. Este gato es negro. =»

    8. Esta mesa es redonda. =»

    9. Esta mujer no es alta. =»

    10. Este hombre es chino. =»

    End of the free exercise to learn Spanish: Ce,Cette,Cet,Ces........
    A free Spanish exercise to learn Spanish.
    Other Spanish exercises on the same topic : Demonstrative pronouns | All our lessons and exercises