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    Learn Spanish > Spanish lessons and exercises > Spanish test #130553

    > Other Spanish exercises on the same topic: Present [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Present : irrégular verbs in -ar with (ie) - Present -ir (e-->i) - Indicative Present : Bengal cat - Present: -er with (ue) - Present : What about a coffee? - Present: Verbs like perder (e =>ie) - Present: -Er - Present: irregular: -ar => (ue)
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    Present tense (diphthong verbs)


    In certain Spanish verbs, the vowel -e, -i, -o, -u turns into a diphthong (= double vowel: -ie-, -ue-). This vowel change is called diphthongization.

    The different types of diphthongization are the following:

    Vowel change: e->-ie  example: pensar   verb form: yo pienso (I think)

    Vowel change: i->ie     example: adquirir       verb form: adquiero (I acquire)

    Vowel change: o->ue     example: poder     verb form: yo puedo (I can)

    Vowel change: u->ue     example: jugar     verb form: yo juego (I play)


    The vowel change can only occur in the stem of the verb (e.g., we get the stem of the verb "jugar" by removing the -ar ending -> jug). 

    Note that it occurs when the stressed syllable is in the stem.

    A syllable is always stressed when its vowel has an acute accent (') over it.

    Thus, verb forms like "haré" (= I will do) wil keep their stem unchanged (because the stress is outside their stem).

    For all other words, the stressed syllable is determined by the last letter of the word:

    . if the word ends in a vowel and -s or -n, the stress is on the second to last syllable.

    . if the word ends in a consonant other than -s and -n, the stress is on the last syllable. 

    According to these rules, the only verb forms that are stressed in their stems are the singular forms and the third-person plural form of the present indicative, the present subjunctive and the imperative.

    Example with the verb "pensar" (= to think) conjugated in the present tense:

    Yo pienso

    Tú piensas

    Él/Ella/usted piensa

    Nosotros/-as pensamos (no diphthong)

    Vosotros/-as pensáis (no diphthong)

    Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes piensan


    EXERCISE : From the drop-down menu, choose a single vowel or a diphthong as appropriate! 


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    Spanish exercise "Present tense (diphthong verbs)" created by hidalgo with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from hidalgo]
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