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Exercise "Preterite", created by anonyme (a free exercise to learn Spanish):
Results of the 1 474 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 67 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): fety / SWITZERLAND, on Friday 23 January - 18:25:
"@@@@MUCHAS GRACIAS @@@@@"
They got a perfect mark
Stats (712 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 78.4 %
Ayer, * (estar-yo-imparfait) en el bosque para andar.
Question 2 passed: 81.7 %
El sol * (brillar/imparfait) en el cielo.
Question 3 passed: 72.9 %
Mientras * (andar-yo-imparfait) debajo de un gran roble
Question 4 passed: 51.1 %
una ardilla me * (mirar-passé simple) de forma extraña
Question 5 passed: 42 %
después * (llegar-yo-passé simple) a un verde claro
Question 6 passed: 39.2 %
donde las ciervas * (correr-imparfait) alegremente
Question 7 passed: 43.1 %
y las flores * (hacer-imparfait) eclosión.
Question 8 passed: 68 %
Los rayos del sol * (pasar-imparfait) por entre las hojas de los árboles
Question 9 passed: 30.1 %
y * (volver-imparfait) la hierba a ser verde.
Question 10 passed: 73.6 %
Los animales * (estar-imparfait) felices.
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