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Exercise "Riddles : Kitchen units", created by anonyme (a free exercise to learn Spanish):
Results of the 3 015 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 58 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): jackf / FRANCE, on Wednesday 25 September - 21:39:
They got a perfect mark
Stats (732 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 76.1 %
Para tomar sopa usamos la *.
Question 2 passed: 78.7 %
Para cortar los alimentos usamos un *.
Question 3 passed: 48.6 %
En la * guardamos los alimentos para que se conserven.
Question 4 passed: 79.9 %
Para lavar los platos recurrimos al *.
Question 5 passed: 58.9 %
Con una * podemos freír los alimentos.
Question 6 passed: 58.6 %
Para hacer hielo recurrimos al *.
Question 7 passed: 32.2 %
En la * podemos guardar la comida de la semana.
Question 8 passed: 52.7 %
En el * podemos asar todo tipo de alimentos.
Question 9 passed: 54.1 %
En la * guardamos alimentos que no necesitan refrigeración.
Question 10 passed: 70.6 %
Para tomar bebidas usamos un *.
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