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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests All
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    tests by claire1 with the online test builder (674 tests)

    621. Poem : Pueblo by Antonio Machado (1945 candidates)
    622. Spanish Cites : Salamanca -The golden city (4979 candidates)
    623. Vocabulaire :Les fleurs (8271 candidates)
    624. Biographie:Antonio Gaudí (17100 candidates)
    625. Birds - Pictures (7538 candidates)
    626. Nature (15885 candidates)
    627. Quelques adjectifs.....au masculin (3459 candidates)
    628. Complete : Feria in April (3439 candidates)
    629. Famille (101716 candidates)
    630. Familia real de Carlos IV de Francisco de Goya (3161 candidates)
    631. Villes d'Espagne (8182 candidates)
    632. Tortilla española (2369 candidates)
    633. Vegetables (57074 candidates)
    634. Fruits (82692 candidates)
    635. Fish (26551 candidates)
    636. Manger à Tolède. (10188 candidates)
    637. El Bosque de Los Ausentes (241 candidates)
    638. Biographie:Antonio Machado,gran poeta español (7907 candidates)
    639. Amantes de TERUEL (6725 candidates)
    640. Shopping in Spain (25718 candidates)

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