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    tests by dridro with the online test builder (394 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    61. Conjugate (10361 candidates)
    62. Quantity : ¿Cuánto/a/os/as? (9822 candidates)
    63. Muy/Mucho (9666 candidates)
    64. Coordinación a base de conjunciones (9614 candidates)
    65. Poco(a/os/as) (9339 candidates)
    66. DE/DEL/DE LA/ DE LOS/ DE LAS (9325 candidates)
    67. Paronyms (8804 candidates)
    68. Articles (8802 candidates)
    69. A/de/en/por/para/con/sobre/sin... (8737 candidates)
    70. Mal/malo(s)/mala(s) (8445 candidates)
    71. Articles (8424 candidates)
    72. TODO/TODA/TODOS/TODAS (8251 candidates)
    73. Prepositions (7971 candidates)
    74. Adjetives with prepositions (7912 candidates)
    75. Pretérito perfecto compuesto de los verbos pronominales (7906 candidates)
    76. Sports and hobbies (7882 candidates)
    77. Family (7745 candidates)
    78. Adverbs: nada (7704 candidates)
    79. Para/por/pero (7509 candidates)
    80. Articles (7447 candidates)

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