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    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by nicks0206 with the online test builder (197 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    41. SI + CONCORDANCIA DE LOS TIEMPO (23721 candidates)
    42. El empleo del subjuntivo (23479 candidates)
    43. Pretérito imperfecto / Pretérito indefinido. Los Tres Cerdit (22723 candidates)
    44. Pretérito indefinido (22084 candidates)
    45. Prepositions (21538 candidates)
    46. Game around trades (20855 candidates)
    47. Present: Llover (o=>ue) (20607 candidates)
    48. Imperative (19963 candidates)
    49. Conjunction : mientras (que) (15335 candidates)
    50. Plural (15053 candidates)
    51. 'SER'/'ESTAR' y 'HAY' (14558 candidates)
    52. Subjunctive (14534 candidates)
    53. Gerund (14472 candidates)
    54. Subjunctive: imperfect (12751 candidates)
    55. -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR, -GUAR (12545 candidates)
    56. Verbs containing diphthongs (12176 candidates)
    57. Subjunctive.....el subjuntivo presente o pretérito imperfect (11549 candidates)
    58. Jobs (11172 candidates)
    59. Prepositions A and EN (10935 candidates)
    60. Adverbs -mente (10637 candidates)

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