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    tests by dridro with the online test builder (394 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    41. Articles-Pronouns (16314 candidates)
    42. Tu,tú,ti,te/Yo,mi,mí,me (16087 candidates)
    43. Quantity : Mucho (15741 candidates)
    44. El uso no reflexivo del pronombre SE (15472 candidates)
    45. Irregular futur (15337 candidates)
    46. Articles (15200 candidates)
    47. Vowels : A/é/i/o/u (14856 candidates)
    48. Cuyo(a-os-as) (14453 candidates)
    49. Articles (14303 candidates)
    50. Descripción de una dama (14059 candidates)
    51. Articles ; de /del or de la (13693 candidates)
    52. Tenses (12816 candidates)
    53. Nunca,siempre o a veces (11932 candidates)
    54. Voz activa/voz pasiva (voix active /voix passive) (11617 candidates)
    55. Preposition + pronoun (11536 candidates)
    56. Tú/tu and él/el (11307 candidates)
    57. Present - Irregular verbs (11217 candidates)
    58. Bien-mal-poco-mucho-temprano-tarde (11019 candidates)
    59. HABER (présent) (10320 candidates)
    60. Conjugate (10314 candidates)

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