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    tests by dridro with the online test builder (394 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    241. Eiffel Tower (438 candidates)
    242. Fall (433 candidates)
    243. Build these sentences (414 candidates)
    244. Build this poem (400 candidates)
    245. Un mar de hielo (395 candidates)
    246. Etimology (388 candidates)
    247. Juan Ramón Jiménez - El viaje definitivo (383 candidates)
    248. Proverbs (368 candidates)
    249. Emilio Prados - Cerré mi puerta al mundo (352 candidates)
    250. Quevedo (348 candidates)
    251. Complete : Look at the sky ! (323 candidates)
    252. Titulus (319 candidates)
    253. Biography : Chris Rea (317 candidates)
    254. Humans & machines (311 candidates)
    255. Ramón Pérez de Ayala (293 candidates)
    256. Construcción de las Pirámides (282 candidates)
    257. Weather (278 candidates)
    258. Amado Nervo - ¿Versos autobiográficos ? (271 candidates)
    259. Proverbs (237 candidates)

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