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    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by nicks0206 with the online test builder (197 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    21. Dialogue: buying a dress (38608 candidates)
    22. Estar + gerund (36159 candidates)
    23. Pretérito imperfecto (35742 candidates)
    24. Imperative: recipe (34884 candidates)
    25. Doler (33796 candidates)
    26. Present. El pescador. (33535 candidates)
    27. Vocabulary (31952 candidates)
    28. Dialogue : To eat out (31937 candidates)
    29. LOS VERBOS REFLEXIVOS (31241 candidates)
    30. Muy y mucho, mucha, muchos, muchas (30787 candidates)
    31. Antonyms (30478 candidates)
    32. Subjunctive (past) (29639 candidates)
    33. Subjunctive? (28546 candidates)
    34. Simple past : El Dorado (26220 candidates)
    35. Present: Verbs like perder (e =>ie) (25087 candidates)
    36. Gerund (25055 candidates)
    37. Subjunctive (24932 candidates)
    38. La bella durmiente (24637 candidates)
    39. Spelling : C - CC - S - X - SC - XC (24138 candidates)
    40. Conditional/Future (24136 candidates)

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