tests by dridro with the online test builder (394 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
161. Complete : The water (1759 candidates)
162. Complete : Shakira in Madrid (1725 candidates)
163. Idoms : Tengo (1695 candidates)
164. Present - Regular verbs (1625 candidates)
165. Complete : sneezing (1574 candidates)
166. Operaciones aritméticas (1523 candidates)
167. From the verb to the noun (1444 candidates)
168. Proverbs (1429 candidates)
169. R / rr (1410 candidates)
170. Spelling:V or B ? (1405 candidates)
171. Mundial 2006 (1395 candidates)
172. Jacques Prévert in Spanish (1374 candidates)
173. Cervantes (1337 candidates)
174. Build these sentences (1289 candidates)
175. LL / Y ? (1211 candidates)
176. Poema escolar (1203 candidates)
177. Irregular past participles (1138 candidates)
178. Riddles (1119 candidates)
179. Platero y yo de Juan Ramón Jiménez (1106 candidates)
180. Verbs / Adjectives => Nouns (1103 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
161. Complete : The water (1759 candidates)
162. Complete : Shakira in Madrid (1725 candidates)
163. Idoms : Tengo (1695 candidates)
164. Present - Regular verbs (1625 candidates)
165. Complete : sneezing (1574 candidates)
166. Operaciones aritméticas (1523 candidates)
167. From the verb to the noun (1444 candidates)
168. Proverbs (1429 candidates)
169. R / rr (1410 candidates)
170. Spelling:V or B ? (1405 candidates)
171. Mundial 2006 (1395 candidates)
172. Jacques Prévert in Spanish (1374 candidates)
173. Cervantes (1337 candidates)
174. Build these sentences (1289 candidates)
175. LL / Y ? (1211 candidates)
176. Poema escolar (1203 candidates)
177. Irregular past participles (1138 candidates)
178. Riddles (1119 candidates)
179. Platero y yo de Juan Ramón Jiménez (1106 candidates)
180. Verbs / Adjectives => Nouns (1103 candidates)
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