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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests English tests Maths tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by tinou with the online test builder (262 tests)

    101. Le passé composé. (14664 candidates)
    102. Moyens de transport (14022 candidates)
    103. Present perfect (22404 candidates)
    104. Right verb (6108 candidates)
    105. A la poste (8708 candidates)
    106. Nationalités (83950 candidates)
    107. Negative form (11756 candidates)
    108. Le présent (3751 candidates)
    109. Fable en désordre (2553 candidates)
    110. Homophones: se ou ce? (193726 candidates)
    111. Ou, Où (61136 candidates)
    112. Verbes en ir: 2e groupe ou 3e groupe? (416588 candidates)
    113. Excuses (9121 candidates)
    114. Remerciements (11974 candidates)
    115. Au téléphone (9342 candidates)
    116. Modal verbs (43532 candidates)
    117. Souhaits (4087 candidates)
    118. What/When/Where/Who/Whose. (48631 candidates)
    119. 's = is ou has ou marque de la possession ? (46961 candidates)
    120. A table! (34020 candidates)

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