tests by claire1 with the online test builder (667 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
101. Dictation 9 : My family (16350 candidates)
102. Dictation: -Er (16120 candidates)
103. Nature (16005 candidates)
104. When I was young... (15725 candidates)
105. Diphtongues : - ER (15518 candidates)
106. Prepositions (15315 candidates)
107. Summer (15263 candidates)
108. Age (15002 candidates)
109. Pedro Almodóvar (14935 candidates)
110. Salvador Dalí (14866 candidates)
111. Dictation: D (14819 candidates)
112. Ordering a meal (14669 candidates)
113. Dialogue: an appointment (14425 candidates)
114. Vocabulaire:Chez Loli (14329 candidates)
115. Present : Irregular verbs in -ar (14317 candidates)
116. Shops (13922 candidates)
117. Pronouns subject (13913 candidates)
118. Dictation 12 : I am... - Yo soy..... (13671 candidates)
119. Recipe : Pipirrana (13375 candidates)
120. Dictation - .Buenos días (13243 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
101. Dictation 9 : My family (16350 candidates)
102. Dictation: -Er (16120 candidates)
103. Nature (16005 candidates)
104. When I was young... (15725 candidates)
105. Diphtongues : - ER (15518 candidates)
106. Prepositions (15315 candidates)
107. Summer (15263 candidates)
108. Age (15002 candidates)
109. Pedro Almodóvar (14935 candidates)
110. Salvador Dalí (14866 candidates)
111. Dictation: D (14819 candidates)
112. Ordering a meal (14669 candidates)
113. Dialogue: an appointment (14425 candidates)
114. Vocabulaire:Chez Loli (14329 candidates)
115. Present : Irregular verbs in -ar (14317 candidates)
116. Shops (13922 candidates)
117. Pronouns subject (13913 candidates)
118. Dictation 12 : I am... - Yo soy..... (13671 candidates)
119. Recipe : Pipirrana (13375 candidates)
120. Dictation - .Buenos días (13243 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | Next >> |