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    tests by yanhel with the online test builder (216 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Alphabet (319685 candidates)
    2. Pronounce the nasal (227287 candidates)
    3. Placement test (177421 candidates)
    4. Ser /Estar (147945 candidates)
    5. Subjunctive (124223 candidates)
    6. Subjunctive (123646 candidates)
    7. Placement test (115815 candidates)
    8. Ropa y Accesorios (100114 candidates)
    9. Introducing someone (92623 candidates)
    10. Imperative (84572 candidates)
    11. Me in Spanish (84162 candidates)
    12. All tenses (81237 candidates)
    13. Pretérito indefinido - Subjunctive imperfect (78142 candidates)
    14. Spanish pronunciation: ñ j ll ch r and consonants (73635 candidates)
    15. Comprehension test: level B2 (72176 candidates)
    16. Present (63119 candidates)
    17. Level test II (58000 candidates)
    18. Fruit and vegetables (51410 candidates)
    19. Stress (50393 candidates)
    20. Subjunctive? (46434 candidates)

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