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    tests by shayla with the online test builder (20 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. In the kitchen (30880 candidates)
    2. Breakfast (28854 candidates)
    3. Clothes (18512 candidates)
    4. Fruits (9821 candidates)
    5. Jobs (7993 candidates)
    6. At school (7836 candidates)
    7. Family members (7260 candidates)
    8. Housework (6360 candidates)
    9. Sports (5553 candidates)
    10. Hospital (5184 candidates)
    11. Drinks (5142 candidates)
    12. Bedroom (4814 candidates)
    13. Transports (4721 candidates)
    14. Animals (4042 candidates)
    15. My home (3755 candidates)
    16. Vegetables (in pictures) (3111 candidates)
    17. In the bathroom (2280 candidates)
    18. Jewellery (916 candidates)