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    tests by mildu78 with the online test builder (17 tests)

    1. Big Thunder Mountain (46 candidates)
    2. Discoveryland (103 candidates)
    3. Phantom Manor (241 candidates)
    4. Walt Disney Studios (538 candidates)
    5. Django Unchained (554 candidates)
    6. Deal or No Deal (171 candidates)
    7. Argo - film (318 candidates)
    8. Skyfall (film-2012) (373 candidates)
    9. 127 heures (3110 candidates)
    10. Debra Morgan - Dexter (330 candidates)
    11. Dexter Morgan - Dexter (999 candidates)
    12. Yvelines (622 candidates)
    13. Loire-Atlantique (497 candidates)
    14. LU - Biscuiterie (664 candidates)
    15. OzIris - attraction (118 candidates)
    16. Goudurix - attraction (164 candidates)
    17. Teddy Riner (218 candidates)
    18. Usain Bolt (484 candidates)
    19. Jeux Olympiques 2012 - cérémonie d'ouverture (409 candidates)
    20. Euro 2012 (1247 candidates)