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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (149 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Possessive adjectives and pronouns (119933 candidates)
    2. Pronouns (110737 candidates)
    3. Hundred, thousand, million (86894 candidates)
    4. Active or passive voice (70185 candidates)
    5. Adverbs (57696 candidates)
    6. Past simple or present perfect (53533 candidates)
    7. Past participle (41074 candidates)
    8. Past simple (40344 candidates)
    9. Comparatives (39600 candidates)
    10. Weather forecast (38587 candidates)
    11. Ever/already/before/yet (36149 candidates)
    12. Pronouns (32352 candidates)
    13. For,since,ago (31954 candidates)
    14. Prepositions and gerund (30186 candidates)
    15. Passive voice and tenses (27610 candidates)
    16. Infinitive or gerund (24494 candidates)
    17. Article The or not ? (24328 candidates)
    18. Opposite of the adjectives (23371 candidates)
    19. Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer (22080 candidates)
    20. Reported speech (21450 candidates)

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