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    tests by bridg with the online test builder (39 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Placement test : vocabulary beginners (658418 candidates)
    2. Present (470629 candidates)
    3. Counting from 1 to 10 (203939 candidates)
    4. Numbers 11-20 (140028 candidates)
    5. Colours (139355 candidates)
    6. Human body (106273 candidates)
    7. Accents (80419 candidates)
    8. Who am I talking about? (64373 candidates)
    9. Vocabulary : verbs (actions) (62149 candidates)
    10. Family (48459 candidates)
    11. In the bathroom (47306 candidates)
    12. What time is it? (42833 candidates)
    13. Bilingual dialogue : What about going to the cinema (35198 candidates)
    14. Bilingual dialogue : Where is the underground? (30775 candidates)
    15. What time is it? (25213 candidates)
    16. Bilingual dialogue : What do you think about...? (22606 candidates)
    17. Alphabetical order (18992 candidates)
    18. Dialogue : Vámonos de compras (17149 candidates)
    19. También / Tampoco ? (15120 candidates)
    20. Airport (10406 candidates)

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