tests by acebo with the online test builder (30 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Futur (56080 candidates)
2. Tenses (16035 candidates)
3. Near future: Ir a (9803 candidates)
4. Euro 2016 (futur) (9740 candidates)
5. Personal pronouns: le, les, lo, los, la, las (9344 candidates)
6. Prepositions (8060 candidates)
7. 'Tocar' / meanings (6654 candidates)
8. Subjunctive present (5651 candidates)
9. Question words in Spanish (5637 candidates)
10. Conjugate past tenses (5091 candidates)
11. Imperative (3400 candidates)
12. Prepositions (3386 candidates)
13. Prepositions: Por or Para (3193 candidates)
14. Numbers (3114 candidates)
15. Pretérito indefinido (2908 candidates)
16. Subjunctive present (2398 candidates)
17. Subjunctive: present / past? (2354 candidates)
18. Gerund (irregular) (2207 candidates)
19. Preterite (2149 candidates)
20. Pretérito imperfecto - my life in the past (2038 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Futur (56080 candidates)
2. Tenses (16035 candidates)
3. Near future: Ir a (9803 candidates)
4. Euro 2016 (futur) (9740 candidates)
5. Personal pronouns: le, les, lo, los, la, las (9344 candidates)
6. Prepositions (8060 candidates)
7. 'Tocar' / meanings (6654 candidates)
8. Subjunctive present (5651 candidates)
9. Question words in Spanish (5637 candidates)
10. Conjugate past tenses (5091 candidates)
11. Imperative (3400 candidates)
12. Prepositions (3386 candidates)
13. Prepositions: Por or Para (3193 candidates)
14. Numbers (3114 candidates)
15. Pretérito indefinido (2908 candidates)
16. Subjunctive present (2398 candidates)
17. Subjunctive: present / past? (2354 candidates)
18. Gerund (irregular) (2207 candidates)
19. Preterite (2149 candidates)
20. Pretérito imperfecto - my life in the past (2038 candidates)
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