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    tests by tinou with the online test builder (72 tests)
    Ranked by candidates (today) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Homophones: se ou ce? (198242 candidates) 108 candidates today
    2. Passé antérieur (151406 candidates) 53 candidates today
    3. Conjuguer au futur. (63181 candidates) 20 candidates today
    4. Cet ou Cette. (133158 candidates) 19 candidates today
    5. Verbes en ir: 2e groupe ou 3e groupe? (419021 candidates) 19 candidates today
    6. Mais ou mes? (155594 candidates) 15 candidates today
    7. Principales figures de style. (223011 candidates) 13 candidates today
    8. Nationalités (86031 candidates) 12 candidates today
    9. Pose des questions (6796 candidates) 10 candidates today
    10. Imparfait ou Passé Composé? (66679 candidates) 8 candidates today
    11. Le conditionnel ou le futur? (13658 candidates) 7 candidates today
    12. Contraires (146219 candidates) 6 candidates today
    13. Trouver la question (24324 candidates) 4 candidates today
    14. Futur simple/Présent/Passé composé? (26724 candidates) 4 candidates today
    15. Build the dialogue (6985 candidates) 3 candidates today
    16. Conjonction de coordination. (9226 candidates) 3 candidates today
    17. Qui,que,où,quand? (6341 candidates) 3 candidates today
    18. Mettre les phrases dans l'ordre (12648 candidates) 2 candidates today
    19. Je suis (verbe suivre) ou Je suis (verbe être)? (45034 candidates) 2 candidates today
    20. Ce/Ces/Cet/Cette. (24311 candidates) 2 candidates today

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