tests by bikette329 with the online test builder (7 tests)
Ranked by candidates (yesterday) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. À l'imparfait (18152 candidates) 6 candidates yesterday / 16 views yesterday
2. Et - est (27026 candidates) 3 candidates yesterday / 12 views yesterday
3. Comprendre (7138 candidates) 2 candidates yesterday / 10 views yesterday
4. Être et avoir (29473 candidates) 1 candidate yesterday / 11 views yesterday
5. Présent : Jour de classe (1650 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 6 views yesterday
6. Au présent (2779 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 1 view yesterday
7. Retrouver l'infinitif (3904 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 6 views yesterday
Ranked by candidates (yesterday) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. À l'imparfait (18152 candidates) 6 candidates yesterday / 16 views yesterday
2. Et - est (27026 candidates) 3 candidates yesterday / 12 views yesterday
3. Comprendre (7138 candidates) 2 candidates yesterday / 10 views yesterday
4. Être et avoir (29473 candidates) 1 candidate yesterday / 11 views yesterday
5. Présent : Jour de classe (1650 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 6 views yesterday
6. Au présent (2779 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 1 view yesterday
7. Retrouver l'infinitif (3904 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 6 views yesterday