tests by pascalbcn with the online test builder (21 tests)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Past for Tell a story (1444 candidates)
2. Translate to miss (1408 candidates)
3. Hypothesis/Condition with "si" (13938 candidates)
4. Subjunctive (8698 candidates)
5. Como si+subjunctive imperfect (4723 candidates)
6. Putting the emphasis on something (4715 candidates)
7. Imperative (tú / nosotros) (4454 candidates)
8. Subordinate clauses: conditions (3701 candidates)
9. Hypothesis/Conditional 1 (3529 candidates)
10. Tenses (3093 candidates)
11. Cause (2686 candidates)
12. Idioms with 'DAR' (2) (2198 candidates)
13. Pretérito indefinido (1996 candidates)
14. El pretérito (1884 candidates)
15. Mientras + subjunctive (1756 candidates)
16. Hypothesis with infinitive 3 (1400 candidates)
17. Adverbs (1389 candidates)
18. El león y el mosquito volador (885 candidates)
19. Tenses with Esope (559 candidates)
20. Rewrite this story (524 candidates)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Past for Tell a story (1444 candidates)
2. Translate to miss (1408 candidates)
3. Hypothesis/Condition with "si" (13938 candidates)
4. Subjunctive (8698 candidates)
5. Como si+subjunctive imperfect (4723 candidates)
6. Putting the emphasis on something (4715 candidates)
7. Imperative (tú / nosotros) (4454 candidates)
8. Subordinate clauses: conditions (3701 candidates)
9. Hypothesis/Conditional 1 (3529 candidates)
10. Tenses (3093 candidates)
11. Cause (2686 candidates)
12. Idioms with 'DAR' (2) (2198 candidates)
13. Pretérito indefinido (1996 candidates)
14. El pretérito (1884 candidates)
15. Mientras + subjunctive (1756 candidates)
16. Hypothesis with infinitive 3 (1400 candidates)
17. Adverbs (1389 candidates)
18. El león y el mosquito volador (885 candidates)
19. Tenses with Esope (559 candidates)
20. Rewrite this story (524 candidates)
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