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    tests by flori10 with the online test builder (12 tests)
    Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Adjektive (265 candidates)
    2. Weil, denn, deshalb (16 candidates)
    3. Feelings (285 candidates)
    4. Body (251 candidates)
    5. Relative clauses (214 candidates)
    6. Dir / Dich, Du / Mich (175 candidates)
    7. Kleine Übung mit Präpositionen (154 candidates)
    8. Find the intruder! (6 candidates) [Waiting for approval] 23-09-2024
    9. Infinitivsätze (3 candidates) [Waiting for approval] 03-10-2024
    10. Phrasal verbs with nehmen (2 candidates) [Waiting for approval] 23-09-2024
    11. Subjekt-und Objektsätze (2 candidates) [Waiting for approval] 03-10-2024
    12. Verneinung (6 candidates) [Waiting for approval] 03-10-2024