tests by dridro with the online test builder (22 tests)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Relative pronouns (8374 candidates)
2. Weather (5545 candidates)
3. Adjective or adverb (14564 candidates)
4. Food and drinks (9243 candidates)
5. Short answer (5736 candidates)
6. Extract from a poem (4256 candidates)
7. Phrasal verbs (2961 candidates)
8. Complete the sentences (2803 candidates)
9. Idioms (2781 candidates)
10. Adverbes (2713 candidates)
11. Celebrations (1947 candidates)
12. News (1392 candidates)
13. Prepositions (1138 candidates)
14. Who first sang?? (880 candidates)
15. Song (361 candidates)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Relative pronouns (8374 candidates)
2. Weather (5545 candidates)
3. Adjective or adverb (14564 candidates)
4. Food and drinks (9243 candidates)
5. Short answer (5736 candidates)
6. Extract from a poem (4256 candidates)
7. Phrasal verbs (2961 candidates)
8. Complete the sentences (2803 candidates)
9. Idioms (2781 candidates)
10. Adverbes (2713 candidates)
11. Celebrations (1947 candidates)
12. News (1392 candidates)
13. Prepositions (1138 candidates)
14. Who first sang?? (880 candidates)
15. Song (361 candidates)
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