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    tests by bikette329 with the online test builder (12 tests)
    Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. At school - vocabulary (53444 candidates)
    2. Alphabet (42230 candidates)
    3. To have (Haber or tener) (21385 candidates)
    4. Colors (29237 candidates)
    5. In the kitchen (27557 candidates)
    6. Pretérito imperfecto (186863 candidates)
    7. Jobs (35858 candidates)
    8. Plural (3956 candidates)
    9. Means of transportation - vocabulary (4878 candidates)
    10. Present (1997 candidates)
    11. Ser / Estar (40871 candidates)