tests by dridro with the online test builder (22 tests)
Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Prepositions (1138 candidates) (moyenne = 12.6)
2. Phrasal verbs (2961 candidates) (moyenne = 12.3)
3. Celebrations (1947 candidates) (moyenne = 12.2)
4. Adjective or adverb (14564 candidates) (moyenne = 11.6)
5. Adverbes (2713 candidates) (moyenne = 11.5)
6. Relative pronouns (8374 candidates) (moyenne = 11.2)
7. Complete the sentences (2803 candidates) (moyenne = 11.1)
8. News (1392 candidates) (moyenne = 10)
9. Short answer (5736 candidates) (moyenne = 9.9)
10. Food and drinks (9243 candidates) (moyenne = 8.9)
11. Idioms (2781 candidates) (moyenne = 8.5)
12. Weather (5545 candidates) (moyenne = 7.1)
13. Who first sang?? (880 candidates) (moyenne = 6.8)
14. Song (361 candidates) (moyenne = 5.7)
15. Extract from a poem (4256 candidates) (moyenne = 5.1)
Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Prepositions (1138 candidates) (moyenne = 12.6)
2. Phrasal verbs (2961 candidates) (moyenne = 12.3)
3. Celebrations (1947 candidates) (moyenne = 12.2)
4. Adjective or adverb (14564 candidates) (moyenne = 11.6)
5. Adverbes (2713 candidates) (moyenne = 11.5)
6. Relative pronouns (8374 candidates) (moyenne = 11.2)
7. Complete the sentences (2803 candidates) (moyenne = 11.1)
8. News (1392 candidates) (moyenne = 10)
9. Short answer (5736 candidates) (moyenne = 9.9)
10. Food and drinks (9243 candidates) (moyenne = 8.9)
11. Idioms (2781 candidates) (moyenne = 8.5)
12. Weather (5545 candidates) (moyenne = 7.1)
13. Who first sang?? (880 candidates) (moyenne = 6.8)
14. Song (361 candidates) (moyenne = 5.7)
15. Extract from a poem (4256 candidates) (moyenne = 5.1)
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