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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by nick27 with the online test builder (45 tests)
    Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Peposition (503 candidates)
    2. We are not alone (394 candidates)
    3. Subjunctive or not? (1158 candidates)
    4. Comparison (3099 candidates)
    5. Tenses (2233 candidates)
    6. Song: primo appuntamento - Gigi d'Alessio (2700 candidates)
    7. Subjunctive: present / Imperfect (2229 candidates)
    8. IL TRONCAMENTO (3686 candidates)
    9. Right word (9768 candidates)
    10. Sequence of tenses (4755 candidates)
    11. Bedroom (3496 candidates)
    12. Computer (2486 candidates)
    13. Gender (5791 candidates)
    14. Comparatives (9966 candidates)
    15. Car (3543 candidates)
    16. Sequence of tenses (1537 candidates)
    17. Verbs (4766 candidates)
    18. Prepositional verbs (1116 candidates)
    19. False friends (2790 candidates)
    20. Pronouns (3992 candidates)

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