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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (911 tests)

    281. Olympic games (2024) (7233 candidates)
    282. Past tenses (18518 candidates)
    283. Spelling (593 candidates)
    284. Culture générale (3185 candidates)
    285. Pronouns (10223 candidates)
    286. Reprises pronominales (114053 candidates)
    287. Flowers - vocabulary (1451 candidates)
    288. What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong (11054 candidates)
    289. Infinitive with or without To (9969 candidates)
    290. Personal pronouns (1937 candidates)
    291. Demonstratives: deze -die - dit - dat (21457 candidates)
    292. False friends (2078 candidates)
    293. Animals & insects (9156 candidates)
    294. Tutoiement et vouvoiement (51195 candidates)
    295. Quantity : Plural or not (5180 candidates)
    296. Jeux de société (1204 candidates)
    297. Imagine by John Lennon (13542 candidates)
    298. Bandes dessinées (724 candidates)
    299. Prefix (2178 candidates)
    300. Métiers (3437 candidates)

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