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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests German tests English tests Italian tests Dutch tests All
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    tests by bikette329 with the online test builder (66 tests)

    41. Matières scolaires (21705 candidates)
    42. Être et avoir (29473 candidates)
    43. Vocabulary - Clothes and accessories (30041 candidates)
    44. At school - vocabulary (53446 candidates)
    45. Pretérito imperfecto (186864 candidates)
    46. Harry potter (2754 candidates)
    47. Both and whereas (8975 candidates)
    48. Un, dos, tres (1569 candidates)
    49. Et - est (27026 candidates)
    50. À l'imparfait (18152 candidates)
    51. Alphabet (42232 candidates)
    52. Présent : Jour de classe (1650 candidates)
    53. Present simple (4048 candidates)
    54. Past simple (1471 candidates)
    55. Present (1997 candidates)
    56. Present (982 candidates)
    57. Puerta de Alcalá (316 candidates)
    58. Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis (7859 candidates)
    59. Vie devant nous (la) (795 candidates)
    60. Auberge espagnole (l') (1630 candidates)

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