tests by yanhel with the online test builder (216 tests)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Summer Hit 2016 (1452 candidates)
2. Movie: El Clan (2024 candidates)
3. Zidane / Real Madrid (1756 candidates)
4. Mondragon Experiment (524 candidates)
5. Actions (2344 candidates)
6. Actions : tâches ménagères (18418 candidates)
7. Pedro Machuca (1304 candidates)
8. Joaquín Sabina (1028 candidates)
9. Historia de abdula, el mendigo ciego (1307 candidates)
10. Abenamar Romance (1928 candidates)
11. Going to school (1020 candidates)
12. Going to Germany (475 candidates)
13. Ser/Estar (10112 candidates)
14. Chacarera (281 candidates)
15. Change (1142 candidates)
16. Tenses (3512 candidates)
17. Por que te vas (1169 candidates)
18. Song: Bonito (1027 candidates)
19. Two tomatoes (1199 candidates)
20. Words: -LL (3700 candidates)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Summer Hit 2016 (1452 candidates)
2. Movie: El Clan (2024 candidates)
3. Zidane / Real Madrid (1756 candidates)
4. Mondragon Experiment (524 candidates)
5. Actions (2344 candidates)
6. Actions : tâches ménagères (18418 candidates)
7. Pedro Machuca (1304 candidates)
8. Joaquín Sabina (1028 candidates)
9. Historia de abdula, el mendigo ciego (1307 candidates)
10. Abenamar Romance (1928 candidates)
11. Going to school (1020 candidates)
12. Going to Germany (475 candidates)
13. Ser/Estar (10112 candidates)
14. Chacarera (281 candidates)
15. Change (1142 candidates)
16. Tenses (3512 candidates)
17. Por que te vas (1169 candidates)
18. Song: Bonito (1027 candidates)
19. Two tomatoes (1199 candidates)
20. Words: -LL (3700 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Next >> |