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    These tests : French tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by dridro with the online test builder (394 tests)

    81. HABER (présent) (10114 candidates)
    82. Platero y yo de Juan Ramón Jiménez (1103 candidates)
    83. Más parónimos (530 candidates)
    84. Sin/si no/sino (868 candidates)
    85. Quantity : ¿Cuánto/a/os/as? (9667 candidates)
    86. Poema escolar (1197 candidates)
    87. Articles (14524 candidates)
    88. Build this poem (397 candidates)
    89. Del Castellano (767 candidates)
    90. R / rr (1395 candidates)
    91. Spelling:V or B ? (1377 candidates)
    92. Verb : Saber (1012 candidates)
    93. Pretérito perfecto compuesto de los verbos pronominales (7714 candidates)
    94. Titulus (319 candidates)
    95. Los pronombres posesivos (17522 candidates)
    96. Litterature (743 candidates)
    97. LL / Y ? (1211 candidates)
    98. Spelling: O / OU (949 candidates)
    99. Spelling: g OR j (1834 candidates)
    100. Music: quotes (2259 candidates)

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